"The mission of department of Zoology is to equip the graduates in the areas of zoological"

learning & research

Zoology department offers a high quality foundation and modern education, major focus on animal system. Students learn about the diversity of plants, structure of ecosystem and function of organisms. Students learn the role of Zoology through the entire world and how the biotic and biotic factors are maintaining the ecosystem. The answers of all these questions are sought through practical work (lab work, research projects and field work) with the theoretical studies. Department endeavors to create an environment that empowers teaching and research to attain high levels of excellence and in which its members can achieve their full potential through experimental manipulation of animal for the betterment of humanity, biological control of insect and vertebrate pests and understanding the animal kingdom for the benefit of humanity and to produce innovative graduates and postgraduates that contribute to the development for national and International Scenarios.

BS and MSc program in Zoology department aims to impart awareness about animal knowledge and its role in society of sciences and to produce enthusiastic graduates and post graduates who can deliver emphatically in education and research with the sense of devotion, inspiration and hard work, so that they are able to maintain and boost up the standard of life sciences in the country and also maintain their standards regarding religious values also. Finally, the degree holders from our department will be able to conduct the laboratory work and research projects. Department of Zoology strives to offer a competitive degree at Bachelor and Master’s level. Graduates and post graduates from our department will be trained for

• Laboratory work
• Teaching capabilities
• Scientific store
• Research associates
• Research and development program
• Medical institutes

Measurable objectives

• Produce competent zoologists
• To impart worth learning in the field
• To impart technical and logical skills
• Establish the platform for research

The mission of department of zoology is to equip the graduates in the areas of zoological learning & research as well to enable them to compete at the national and international level and achieve excellence in research and teaching in their field of fields. The department aims at creating knowledge through research and promoting entrepreneurship for addressing indigenous issues and also to train students to plan, execute and appraise high quality research in the pure and applied biological sciences and to ensure that this quality training satisfies society's need for research and education, while promoting lifelong learning and development of the individual and also To foster enthusiasm for scientific creativity and the advancement of knowledge, and for the communication and spreading of this knowledge for the benefit of society.

Features of the course

Best Lab

Best Teachers

Low Cost Services

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